Create a new enhancement request

In the details window of the specific requirement, click on the Enhancement Requests tab. If this is the requirements first enhancement request (ER), click on the New Enhancement Request. If there are existing ERs, then click on the New button.  Add a title and details, then click Save to create the ER. Note that although the enhancement request is created, it is not yet added to a requirement version. 


Alternatively, a requirement owner or co-owner can create an enhancement request from the Versions tab if there is more than one version, and the selected version is in draft status. When viewing the latest version in Draft mode, click the vertical menu menu-vertical.svg. Select New ER from the dropdown. Creating an enhancement request through the Versions tab will automatically add it to that version. It may still be removed if needed if the requirement version it is associated with is still in Draft.  


Users will need project permissions to view and edit the requirement to add a new enhancement request. Depending on the settings of the user's project permissions, they may be able to view all the project requirements or just a subset of them. Users added to a specific requirement as a contributor, reviewer or co-owner will be able to view it. 

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