Send a requirement for review

Click on the requirement to view the details. The requirement owner or co-owner can click the Next Stepsdown-arrow-fill.svg button and select Send for review from the dropdown. If there are no reviewers added, you will be prompted to add reviewers from a list of available team members. If reviewers are already added prior to sending for review, a due date may be set as a request for reviewers to provide their response. Click the Yes button to send the requirement version for review. 


If, when prompted to add reviewers, there are no team members listed please ensure the following:

  • Members to add are added to the project
  • Members to add have permissions in the requirements module
  • Members are not added as co-owners 


Users will need to be the requirement owner or co-owner, and have project permissions to view and edit the requirement to send a requirement for review. Depending on the settings of the user's project permissions, they may be able to view all the project requirements or just a subset of them. The same is true for viewing the list of project members when adding project contributors and reviewers. Users added to a specific requirement as a contributor, reviewer or co-owner will be able to view it. 

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