Edit the owner of a build

The creator of the build is, by default, the build owner. The owner can be changed at any time by navigating to the Test Coverage primary tab, and then to the Builds secondary tab.  In the specific build's details window, click on the down-arrow.svg next to the current owner name to expand a drop down of available users. Select the desired user to change the owner. The new owner must have edit permissions in the test coverage module. Note that if the desired user does not appear in the dropdown, please check the following:

  • The user that you would like to select as the new owner must be added to the project. Project owners can add users to a project. 
  • Depending on the settings of your project permissions, you may be able to see all the project members or just a subset of them in the dropdown. Project owners manage the permissions of the project members. 

To use the build feature and to edit the owner, a user must have view and edit permissions in the test coverage module. Depending on the settings of a users project permissions, users may be able to view all project builds or just a subset of them. Project owners manage the permissions for project members.  

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