Who can edit a specific requirement version?
- Requirement owners
- Requirement co-owners
- Requirement contributors of the specific version who also have project permissions to view and edit requirements
Who can be added as a contributor or co-owner to a specific requirement version?
- Any members of the project that have access to the requirements module
Who can add a contributor to the specific requirement version?
- Requirement owner
- Requirement co-owners
- Requirement contributors of the specified version
Who can add a co-owner to the specific requirement version?
- Requirement owner
- Requirement co-owners
To add a contributor, click on the requirement to view the details window. Click the Add button and select Contributors from the dropdown. Available project members to add will appear in the list. Click on their name to select, and then click Add. If a user is not appearing in the list of available users to add, check the following:
- User to be added as a contributor is a member of the project
- User to be added as a contributor is not already added as a co-owner to the requirement version. Co-owners will need to be removed as a co-owner before being added as a contributor.
- User adding a contributor has permissions to view the appropriate set of project members
To add a co-owner, click on the requirement to view the details window. Click the Add button and select Co-Owners from the dropdown.
To edit a requirement description for a version, click the Edit button to begin editing. Multiple team members can edit the description simultaneously. Changes are auto-saved. Click Done to exit collaborative editing. Note that changes to a description is allowed only when the requirement is in Draft status.
If you are unable to edit a requirement, the following may be the case:
- You are not added as a contributor to that specific requirement version
- The version you are trying to edit is not in Draft status
- The settings of your project permissions do not let you view and edit in requirements
Project owners can add project members and manage their permissions within the project.
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