Coverage view

The coverage view provides an analysis of test cases and tasks associated with each requirement. in this view, a user will be able to see a list of the requirement, version, status, priority, owner, reviewers, and number of associated test cases and tasks.  This view outlines the coverage level based on the total requirements and the percentage of those covered with a test case. 


With coverage view, users can easily see the status of a requirement approval. If reviewers are associated to a requirement or if the requirement is in Final status, there will be an expand arrow right-arrow.svg next to the requirement status. Click it to expand the list of reviewers and current status. 


To access this view, navigate to the Requirements primary tab, and then to the View Analytics secondary tab. Under this tab will be the three views available, including the coverage view. 


Users with any level of view permissions will have access to the coverage view. A user can click on the requirement in the analytics view to open the detail view. However, depending on the user's project permissions, they may be able to see the details for all the requirements or just a subset of them. Project owners manage the project permissions of a user. Users added as a contributor or reviewer to a requirement will be able to view that requirement. 

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