Remove or unlink a test suite from a test case version

To remove or unlink test suites to a test case version, navigate to the specific version of the test case. On the left side vertical menu of the test case details window, click on the linked_test_suites.png icon. Then click on the menu icon menu-vertical.svgfor the specific test suite you want to unlink and choose remove-circle-fill.svg Remove. 


Alternatively, you may also unlink a test case from a test suite in the Test Suites sub tab under the Test Coverage main tab. Navigate to the test suites details window, then click on the menu icon menu-vertical.svgfor the specific test case you want to unlink and choose remove-circle-fill.svg Remove. 


Users will need view and edit permissions for test coverage to perform this action. Depending on the settings of a user's project permissions, they may be able to view all test cases and test suites or just a subset of both. 

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