Associate (add) reviewers using Group Actions

Group actions can be used to add reviewers to multiple requirements at the same time. Note the following when using group actions to add reviewers:

  • Versions: The latest of all root requirements will be listed
  • Status:
    • Requirement version must be in Draft, Waiting for Review, Reviewed, or Changes Requested
    • Once additional reviewers are submitted, a requirement's version status may also get changed. (i.e. If the status was Reviewed prior to the group action, it would get changed to Waiting for Review if additional reviewers were added from the group action)
  • Permissions: Requirements for which the user is the owner or a contributor

Click on Group Action, and then click on the Select Action button. In the drop down, select reviewer.svg Add Reviewers. Select the requirements from the potential list, and then click Next. Select the users to add as reviewers, and then click Submit. Those users will now be added to the selected requirements as reviewers. 


Note that group actions are available to users that have view and edit access in requirements. The list of requirements provided under group action will be those for which the user has access (i.e. requirement owner or contributor).  Depending on the settings of the users project permissions, they may be able to see all project members or a subset (i.e. if using group actions to add contributors or reviewers). Project owners manage the permissions of project members. 

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