Import requirements from a CSV file

The requirement import feature allows for bulk requirement creation from a CSV file. To import requirements from a CSV, the provided CSV file will need to be a in a standard format, so the fields used in the CSV file can be mapped to the corresponding Xebrio fields. 


In the Requirements tab, click on the the Import/Exportdown-arrow-fill.svg button and select Import from CSV from the dropdown to begin the process. Alternatively, you can right click on a specific requirement or folder in the requirement tree and select Import from CSV

  • Step 1: Choose a valid CSV file by dragging and dropping a file or browsing your machine for one.  Note that Markdown Text is not supported while importing from CSV. 
    • If the file is in a wrong format or the file size exceeds the limit of 1MB, an error will appear. 
    • Once Xebrio validates the format and size, the Next button will be enabled. Click Next to proceed.
  • Step 2: Map the CSV fields to the corresponding Xebrio fields, with the columns from the CSV file listed under CSV Fields and the pre-defined Xebrio system fields under Xebrio Fields. Once a field is mapped it will have a green check mark to indicate it will be mapped when imported. Only mapped fields will be imported. Fields that are multi-choice will be mapped in the next step. Click Next to proceed.

The Xebrio system fields and corresponding notes are:  

    • Title - The title is a required field with a character limit of 300. 
    • Description - Summary or details of the requirement
    • Type -The type of the requirement, such as Business or Functional. CSV type terms may be different than Xebrio's pre-defined system type terms, and these can be mapped in the next step. (i.e. CSV field is "Reliability" which can be mapped to Xebrio's "Non Functional" type)
    • Priority - Priority level assigned for a requirement
    • Estimate - Number of hours estimated to complete the requirement
    • Owner - The value should be an email id of a user who is a member of the project. 
    • Custom Attribute - Specific attributes created and added to a project
  • Step 3: For fields with multi-choices, map those choice values from the CSV file to the Xebrio pre-defined value set.  The multi-choice fields which Xebrio provides is Type and Priority. Click Next to proceed.
  • Step 4: Select the default owner for unassigned requirements. Click Next to proceed.
  • Step 5: Validate the CSV file with mapped fields and values. Click Start Validating CSV.
    • Each record will be validated and a pass or fail indicator will appear for each.
    • Pass: A valid record which passes can be imported into Xebrio, and is indicated by a green check icon. 
    • Fail: A failed record will have details of the error. There will be View button to see details of the failure. On view, the user can see the failure message. Failed records cannot be edited in Xebrio. You may import another CSV with required edits for those records, but do not import the passing records again to avoid duplicate entries.
  • Step 6: Import the valid records. If you are satisfied with the validation, click Proceed to import the valid records into Xebrio. Failed records will not be imported. There will be a message to confirm how many requirements are imported successfully, and a link to return to the Requirements list. 

Users will need view and edit access in the requirement module to import requirements. 

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