CSV file format for requirement importing

The import feature in requirements allows for bulk requirement creation from a CSV file rather than manually starting requirements in a project.  The CSV file will need to be a in a standard format, so the fields used in the CSV file can be mapped to the corresponding Xebrio fields. Note that Markdown Text is not supported while importing from CSV. 


The standard format for the provided CSV should be similar to the following:

Title Description Type Estimate Priority
Color The plastic casings should be HEX #2D2926  Non functional   Medium
Screen size The screen should be 2.5 inches diagonally.  Functional 2 High


A valid CSV will should return the following below. Note the header row and record rows are separated by commas, including for blank column entries.

Title, Description, Type, Estimate, Priority

Color, The plastic casings should be HEX #2D2926 , Non functional, , Medium


Users will need view and edit access in the requirements module to import requirements from a CSV. 

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