Add or edit estimate hours and actual hours for a test session

An estimated time and an actual time for a test session can be added. Navigate to the Test Coverage primary tab, and then to the Builds secondary tab. In the specific build's details window, click the build-execution.svg Test Sessions tab to view the test sessions for the build.  Select the specific test session and click on the test session ID to open the details.


For estimated hours, hover over the Estimate Hrs. field until an edit editor-edit.svg icon appears and click on it.  Enter an integer value and click checkmark.svg or hit enter. The default estimated hours is 0 hrs. 


For actual hours, this field will appear once all the test cases have been marked with a result, and it initially defaults to 0 hrs. Hover over the current actual hours estimate until an edit editor-edit.svgicon appears.  Enter an integer value and click checkmark.svg or hit enter. 


Users will need view and edit permissions in the test coverage module to perform this action. Depending on the settings of a users project permissions, users may be able to view all project builds or just a subset of them. Project owners manage the permissions for project members.  

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