Direct and indirect dependencies in requirements

Requirements can have direct and indirect dependencies, where indirect dependencies are the requirements which are upstream or downstream of a direct dependency. For example, if Requirement A is directly upstream of Requirement B, and Requirement B is directly upstream of Requirement C, then Requirement C is an indirect dependency of Requirement A. 


In the Upstream/Downstream tab of a requirement's detail window, if there are dependencies, direct dependencies are indicated with solid filled arrows (mceclip2.png for direct upstream, mceclip3.png for direct downstream). Indirect dependencies are indicated with unfilled arrows (mceclip1.png for indirect upstream, mceclip0.png for indirect downstream). 


Additionally, the Requirement's detail window has a tab labeled Dependencies. This view allows users to visually follow the flow of upstream and downstream requirements by clicking on the left-circle-arrow.svg right-circle-arrow.svg arrows. 


Users will need view and edit permissions in the requirements module to add upstream and downstream requirements. Depending on the settings of the user's project permissions, they may be able to view all the project requirements or just a subset of them. Users added to a specific requirement as a contributor or reviewer will be able to view it.

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