Review changes (comment, approve, request changes) for a GitHub pull request linked to a Xebrio task

When reviewing a GitHub pull request, a user will be able to comment, approve, or request changes. Navigate to the details window for the linked task, click on the GitHub tab, and then click on the Pull Requests secondary tab. Expand the pull request details by clicking on the right-arrow.svg icon and select the Files_changed.png Files Changes tab. Clicking the Review Changes button will open a pop up to Comment, Approve, or Request Changes. If the user is not assigned as a reviewer, an error message will appear. 


In order to perform this action, a GitHub login may appear as a separate pop up window, so please check that pop ups are enabled on your browser. 


Users will need view and edit permissions in the tasks module to perform this action and GitHub access to the appropriate repositories. Depending on the user's project permission settings, they may be able to view all project tasks or just a subset. Watchers specifically added to the task will be able to view it. 

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